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General Insurance Products


Tailor-made solutions just for you


Assuring you an all-round protection on your valued assets

Your antidote against impending liabilities

Public Liability

For the good of the public

This policy provides the insured Indemnity against legal liability to third parties in respect of accidental death, bodily injury and/or illness and/or loss of damage to property of third parties arising from the normal nature of their primary operations. The cover boasts of specific extensions such as; guest/employee effects, car park liability, cross-liability, loading and unloading risks, defective sanitation, smoke & fumes among others.

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Hospital Malpractice


This is a policy designed for healthcare institutions offering coverage to the insured against any claim or claims for breach of professional duty as stated in the schedule which may be made against them by reason of any negligent act, error or omission. The policy has a deductible towards averting a carefree attitude.

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Professional Indemnity

The professionals cover-pack

This is one type of liability insurance meant to safeguard professionals from the resultant financial losses associated with their professional mandate. Such liabilities arise from personal negligence, unintended errors, ommissions and or commissions which can trigger adversities such as financial losses and or their reputation. The policy features deductibles as a way of ensuring personal accountability and managing moral hazard.

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Cyber Liability

Getting you back on track in case your online data security walls are breached

This speciality policy is designed to protect your business against the volatile risks and the consequent costs/losses that would arise from external data breaches. In the modern world, data security and organization’s repute are faced with the most versatile risks and thus, this cover is the best fit in the event of such occurrence. The scope of cover includes; Electronic Data Coverage, Cyber Breach Response Assistance, Coverage for Data Breach expenses eg Regulatory fines, Loss of Reputation, Business interruption et al.

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Trustee Liability

For the Trustees’ Trust

This policy is designed to safeguard the organization’s trustees against personal liability that would arise in the course of discharging their duties as defined in the terms of trust. By extension, it protects their trustees’ personal assets should claims of negligence, errors in judgment and/or breach of duty occur. The scope of cover includes coverage of legal suits expenses, decretal settlements and or judgements.

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Product Liability

Just in case the good product does harm

This cover is designed to safeguard the insured’s business against liabilities that may arise associated with the consumption and or utility of the insured’s goods. The policy operates on a risk transfer mechanism where any aspects of defective products causing public harm/injury, property damage and the associated legal suits are borne by the insurer. The likely candidates for this product include Manufacturers, Restaurants, Wholesalers, Online shops, Pet Supply stores among others.

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